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Worcester Bosch 2020 Award Winners

2 minute read


“And the winner is… LEWINGTON HEATING!”

Yes, we just won a national award from Worcester Bosch – and in this industry, that really means something.

Ask anyone in Britain to name a make of domestic boiler, and there’s a strong chance they’ll say Worcester. It’s been a household name for over half a century now.

So, as you can imagine, we are really proud to be the recipients of this accolade.

At this point, you are probably asking, “OK, what’s this award all about?”. Let us explain.

For the last few years, Worcester Bosch have been running their Environment 2020 Awards.

The idea is to promote awareness of energy efficiency and encourage installers like ourselves, as well as the wider public, to think about environmentally-friendly and sustainable options when it comes to heating homes.

The awards are open to all Worcester Bosch installers in the UK. They assemble an independent panel of environmental experts and industry specialists to judge the entries.

There are five different categories, ours being the Best Installation of a Greenstore and Greensource Heat Pump.

To enter, we had to submit a written description of the installation: how we went about it, how we overcame any challenges and how the customer has benefited. We also had to take lots of photos.

As you can imagine, we were thrilled when we heard that out of all the installers in the UK, we’d been chosen as winners again (it’s actually the second time we’ve won a Worcester Bosch award).

To honour the winners, the company holds a special awards luncheon at their headquarters in – yes, you guessed it – Worcester. Two of our directors, Graham Gambles and Darren King, received the prize. It was especially appropriate that Darren attended, because he actually worked on this particular job.

Our winning installation features a Worcester Bosch Group 11kW system Groundsource Heat Pump, which works in conjunction with two 300 litre Greenstore cylinders and an 11kW combi Ground Source Heat Pump.

Reading all this might have got you thinking about ground source heat pumps and whether they might be appropriate for your project. There’s a feature article right here on this site that will answer your questions. To read it, click here.

Click here for more information on the Worcester Bosch 2020 Awards.