Blog, Renewables

Revolutionising comfort: the future of renewable heating in homes

3 minute read

With the government offering financial incentives for those who invest in new technology for renewable energy, it’s clear that sustainable ways of heating our homes are the future of domestic heating.

Here at Lewington’s we’re pioneers in renewable energy, having set up Lewington Renewables back in 2000. As the trusted local experts in this increasingly mainstream area, we’re here to advise you on the best options for your needs. And while generally speaking, it’s an accepted fact that renewable energy is where we are all inevitably headed, we will always recommend the best solution for your specific needs, including modern gas boilers.

To discuss your requirements in more detail, please call us on 01858 433 333 or fill in our contact form. In the meantime, read on to find out more about the renewable energy solutions we offer.

Air source heat pumps

Air source heat pumps are one of the most popular options for UK homeowners who are making the switch to new renewable energy technology.

They provide a highly efficient source of heat for your home by extracting heat from the outside air, even in cold conditions. This heat is then used to heat your home and water.

A relatively hassle-free option to install, air source heat pumps significantly reduce your home’s CO2 emissions and can result in lower energy bills. Not only that, air source heat pumps are a low maintenance and long-lasting choice, making them an excellent option for many homes.

Ground source heat pumps

Ground source heat pumps empower you to harvest all the available energy available under the ground in your garden to heat your home and water. This reliable and eco-friendly option involves installing a network of pipes underground that you can control with the touch of a button from a unit inside your house.

Of all the new technologies in renewable energy, this option can involve the most disruption as the pipes are laid beneath your garden. However, the potentially lower energy bills from a reliable and efficient system is well worth the initial investment for a great many households.

Solar hot water

Another of the most popular choices when it comes to renewable home heating systems, solar thermal technology uses solar panels to capture heat from the sun, which is then stores in a hot water tank to be used to heat your water supply. More effective in the sunnier months of the year, it is used in conjunction with your traditional boiler, which kicks in when the solar supply runs out.

At the hottest times of the year, solar hot water can be your sole source of hot water, representing a significant saving on your heating bills, considering the fact that most homes use up to a quarter of their total energy output on heating hot water.

As well as the money saving benefits and eco-credentials, solar hot water is a popular choice in UK homes thanks to its easy integration with traditional heating systems for an efficient hot water supply all year round.

At Lewington’s we provide a solar panel maintenance and repair service as well as the initial installation.

How can I save with the government’s scheme?

The government introduced the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) to encourage UK homeowners to replace traditional oil, electric and gas-based heating systems with renewable home heating systems as it works towards its net zero targets.

For the very latest information on how to claim towards the cost of an air source heat pump or ground source heat pump, please visit our funding page. As well as the grants of up to £7,500 available, which never need to be paid back, homeowners can currently benefit from the fact that this kind of new technology for renewable energy is available with no VAT applicable.

Solar hot water is not part of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, however, now is a great time to invest in it as currently there is no VAT payable on domestic solar panels and their installation.

Talk to us about the future of your heating system

By embracing renewable heating, you’re not only investing in your home’s comfort and value while reducing your energy bills, you’re also contributing to a greener, more sustainable future. We can advise you on whether an air source heat pump, ground source heat pump, solar thermal system or another solution is best for your unique needs.

To find out more, please fill in our short contact form or call us on 01858 433 333.